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Your Online Prayer Chapel

Come pray with us -- in Jesus name -- God answers prayer

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. - James 5:16b

accept the love of Jesus

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The efforts of the rector have been directed away from this blog,
posting will be infrequent.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Praise The Lord

For a Christian, it is normal to praise the lord.

Those that avoid a relationship with the living God do not understand.

We are here on this earth for such a short time - it is our relationships that define us.

Thomas Edison said "you are what you do." It is not what you loudly proclaim, or quietly accent to, it is what you
do that shows your true character.

Our character is defined by relationships, and how we consistently act in those relationships. As a Christian we not only know of God - we know God himself - he becomes our friend. We can not hide our relationship and be true to ourselves, anymore than we can challenge our own existence and not drift off into philosophical silliness.

I do not have to prove the existence of God - to me he is as real as my family.

If knowing one of my kiddos would save your life, I would be wrong not to offer an introduction. If that introduction would change your life in a wonderful way, I would be selfish to withhold information on how to find them. You might decline, saying "I don't believe you have kids - and if you do they probably don't care."

Your negative response does not alter the reality of my kiddo's existence or of their abilities - or my normal desire as a proud Papa to praise them. You have only denied yourself an opportunity to possibly improve your existence.

A relationship With Jesus Christ can save your life and change it in a wonderful way.

Click the following link or deny yourself the opportunities. God has given you the free choice to continue your life as it is. You also have the opportunity right now to start growing in a new, more joyful direction.

Meet the living God.

Lord God,

We praise your holy name.

Thank you Jesus for the wonderful work you have begun in us, and your patience as we continue to grow in our relationship with you.

We yield up our previously conceived bias and prejudice and ask you to lead us to the truth.

We accept your offer of relationship based on our currently limited knowledge of your love, intelligence, wisdom , and sacrifice. As a father you have loved us, as children we have strayed, guide us back to the proper path.

We come to you now to talk with you - in Jesus name answer our prayers - share with us your directions ---
