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Your Online Prayer Chapel

Come pray with us -- in Jesus name -- God answers prayer

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. - James 5:16b

accept the love of Jesus

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posting will be infrequent.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A Time For Prayer

What the body of Christ needs now is PRAYER!

What this little chapel meeting needs to do is pray.

We will keep our Wednesday & Sunday format with an occasional something in between.

But what we will meet for is a season of prayer.

Join us in this simple prayer, add as much more as you wish. We are praying together, God is not concerned with distance, or time.

Father God, help us this day to do what you desire us to do. We give our lives to you, reach out and touch our needs. We know you are a loving God, and as a good father loves his children, so you lead us in the way we should go. Thank you for being with us. Bless us. Help us to serve you.

If you need prayer, leave your requests in the comments, anonymous is ok.

From one of my other sites I have this prayer request:

I read your most recent post and thought since your a believer that I would ask you to pray for my wife and me. We are both disabled and I am on life support in twenty days the electric company will disconnect our electric because we cannot pay the total bill! I am not asking for money!!! Just prayer. Thank you and Grace and peace to you,

My prayer for him, and I ask you to join me, and add more as you wish:

Lord God, we love you.

Thank you for loving us.

In the name of Jesus Christ we seek healing for our brother and his wife. In Jesus Christ we are one church, regardless of denomination; we are one body, in agreement for their healing.

We also know that you are our provision, Our brother's needs will be met by you, no matter what agency you use to effect deliverance. We do not look to men, but to you, for we know that you are a rewarder of those that diligently seek you.

We receive these things as a gift from you.

We ask this in the Holy name of Jesus Christ our Savior.

To God be the Glory

