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Your Online Prayer Chapel

Come pray with us -- in Jesus name -- God answers prayer

The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. - James 5:16b

accept the love of Jesus

Our Ministry

The Rector's Biography

One Rector's Opinions

The efforts of the rector have been directed away from this blog,
posting will be infrequent.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

First Service


This is a virtual Church meeting.

We will have a meeting at least once a week on varied topics. Don't just read these blog posts, become involved in a local fellowship also.

This first post is just setting the stage. Of course the lead in this production is Jesus Christ. He was crucified for our sins, buried, and has risen from the dead to sit in triumph next to the Father in heaven. For an overview of Church Doctrine visit The Junior Partner Ministries home page.

Junior Partner Ministries is an evangelistic church supporting missionaries and outreach ministries. To join a service, just show up and read our posts. To join our church, visit and read our web site, then send us an email. Do attend a bible preaching local church as well.

We are what is called a free church. We have not filed with any government for any reason. This Ministry is founded under the sovereignty of JESUS CHRIST and established under the guarantees set forth by the First Amendment to The Constitution Of The United States Of America. We are not incorporated, in church affairs we recognize no sovereign but Jesus Christ.

If you have not accepted Christ as your lord and savior; now is the time to do it.

This will be a worthwhile, joy filled journey.

Welcome aboard.

Jesus Is Lord!